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The DMN Journal (Inherited from "SDGs 2019 Competition" Journal) serves as a platform for scholarly discourse on legal, political, and social matters. It is published by the SDGs Council under the DMN Initiative. This esteemed journal provides a space for researchers, academics, and experts to share their insights and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. Furthermore, the DMN Journal also serves as a dedicated platform for documenting and showcasing the remarkable activities and achievements of the DMN Initiative - SDGs Council - DMN Foundation. It is a channel for propagating the positive impact and inspiring stories that emerge from the initiative. Through the DMN Journal, the DMN Initiative can effectively communicate its mission, values, and accomplishments to a broader audience, raising awareness and encouraging others to actively participate in creating positive change.

Discipline: Politics, Social and Law Review
Language: English and Vietnamese
History: 2018 to present
Publisher: SDGs Council under DMN Initiative, Vietnam
Frequency: Biennially


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"Youth, Peace and Security"

“The Role of International Law in the Maintenance of Global Security, Politics, Peace and Sustainable Development”

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia

"Does the contemporary world order appear to be increasingly destabilised?"
Hon. Mr. Hoang Ba Tieu

"Sustainable Development Goals and Environmental Justice"
Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thanh Sang

"Vietnam’s efforts in maintenance of international peace and security"
Lawyer LLM. Mrs. Dao Thi Thu Thuy

"Strengthening the Role of the United Nations in the Changing World"
Lawyer Mr. Le Bao Ha Dang

"The International Legal Framework for Biosecurity and Health Security"

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia

"Promoting peace and security in Asia-Pacific"
Ms. Luc Thi Ngoc Han

"Embracing Peace towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals"
Ms. Nguyen Thanh Thuy & Mme. Nguyen Mai Soa

"The Role of Young People In Peacebuilding And Conflict Resolution"

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia

"DMN Initiative: A Promising Peace-building Initiative for Youth"
Hon. Mr. Dinh Van Thanh & Ms. Doan Thi Phuong Thao

"Youth And Armed Conflict: Reassessing the Role of Youth in Armed Conflict"
Mrs. Le Nguyen Thoai Vy, Ms. Nguyen My Linh and Ms. Pham Ngoc Nhat Phuong

“Arbitrators as Peacemakers?”

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia & H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Hung


Real Cooperation for Close Relationship and Active Response for Sustainable Development

“Building Carbon Pricing Legal Framework - Experience of European Union and
Lesson for Vietnam”

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia (Vietnam)

"The Important of Building Basic Infrastructures and Non-governmental Organizations Role in Additional Education Sector Other Than Regular Education - Based on South of Korea's Case"
Ms. Park Haelim (Republic of Korea)

"Cooperation mechanism among DMN Initiative, foreign NGOs and Tran Hung Dao Secondary School: A Case Study"
H.E. Mme. Dinh Thi Thuy (Vietnam)

"25 Years of Vietnam - U.S. Relations: Retrospect and Prospect"

Mrs. Le Thi Tuyet Mai (Vietnam)

"NGOs Contribution to Education Development in Cambodia"

Mr. Chansy Soeun (Cambodia)

"Disarmament and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals"

H.E. Mr. Dao Manh Nghia (Vietnam)

"Teaching and Learning English in Cam Lo District Before and After Covid-19 Era: Challenges and Solutions"

Mr. Nguyen Chi Phi (Vietnam)

"Cooperation Mechanism between Non-governmental Organizations and Schools in Locally Educational Development - Experience from Myanmar"

Mr. Hline Pwint Phyu (Myanmar)

"Online Teaching during and after the Covid-19 Era"

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung (Vietnam)

"Improving effectiveness of online learning and teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic"

Ms. Le Ngoc Linh DanMs. Hoang Thi Kim Ngan, ​Ms. Trinh Tra My, Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Chau, Ms. Nguyen Hong Gam, Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Trinh, Ms. Pham Dinh Khanh Ngoc, Ms. Nguyen Thi Diem Chau, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang, and Ms. Le Hai Anh

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"SDGs 2019 Competition" Journal  (2019)

Highlights of SDGs 2019 Competition

Active Students had the chance to discover and understand clearly about 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In which, we focus on the Goal 16 (promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels), Goal 10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries), Goal 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts), Goal 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) and Goal 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development).

*Highlights of SDGs 2019 Competition*

Over 700 participants

10 prizes

5 local agencies

50 gifts

Establishing "SDGs Club"

Establishing "SDGs 2019 Competition" Journal (Special Edition)


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